UFO 50

UFO 50

Released: 9/18/2024
Mossmouth, FourbitFriday, Moppin, Jon Perry, phubans, Eirik Suhrke
PC (Microsoft Windows)
ShooterPlatformPuzzleRole-playing (RPG)StrategyAdventureIndieArcade

UFO 50 is a collection of 50 single and multiplayer games from the creators of Spelunky, Downwell, Time Barons, Skorpulac, and Madhouse. Jump in and explore a variety of genres, from platformers and shoot 'em ups to puzzle games and RPGs. Our goal is to combine a familiar 8-bit aesthetic with new ideas and modern game design sensibilities.

Discussed in 1 episode

#223 - UFO 50, Tactical Breach Wizards, and More Indie Games


A ton of indie games have come out over the last few weeks and months, so it's time for a roundup! Jason, Maddy, and Kirk talk about UFO 50 (which is really 50 games in one), Arranger, The Operator, Tactical Breach Wizards, and The Plucky Squire. Some they like... some they don't!